Bob DeRuntz for Porter County Council Trusted. Proven. Leadership.
Campaign Platform
I am an old school union Democrat running for a seat on the Porter County Council because I think it is essential that we elect responsive leadership to county government that is focused on professionalism and good policy for the betterment of our entire community. I stand for organized labor and collective bargaining rights so the working men and women of Porter County earn a livable wage, with good benefits and a focus on safety so they come home safe to their families. I stand for public education and well funded county parks and programs as a social infrastructure investment to give our kids and families the opportunity to be active and engaged in the arts and our parks. I stand for a healthy balance between the industrial engine of our economy and smart environmental protections to keep our farm fields, natural habitats, air quality and clean water free from pollution. I stand for a balance between low taxes to attract business investment and job growth with the investments needed to support law enforcement, public health and our infrastructure to maintain safe communities, quality roads, dependable bridges and stormwater management. These will be my priorities as your newest member of the Porter County Council.
Public Safety
Work closely with the Porter County Sheriff's Department to ensure they have the resources needed to protect our communites, especially for the "One County, One Protocol" approach to protect our students and schools throughout Porter County.
Improve Infrastructure
Develop and implement a fiscally responsible, long-term funding plan to manage road improvements, bridge maintenance and stormwater upgrades throughout the county to better serve and and keep safe the citizens of Porter County.
Keep Taxes Low
Porter County has the lowest county income tax rate in the state of Indiana. It is vital that we keep our county tax rate low to attract business investment, generate economic growth, and create jobs to benefit the lives of Porter County residents.
County Parks
Establish a dedicated source of funding for the Porter County Parks and Recreation. An investment in our Porter County Parks is an investment in the social infrastructure, health and well being of Porter County residents.
Effective Collaboration
Work to improve communication between the County Council and the Board of Commissioners to improve professional collaboration for good government and more effective Porter County decision making.
Board Appointments
Appoint well qualified and well intentioned citizens to the boards that oversee our county government agencies to ensure professionalism guides good government with smart and dependable decision making.
Hospital Foundation
Protect and effectively manage the principal from the hospital sale to generate a sustained and predictable revenue stream to help support county operations and new initiatives while keeping our county tax rate low.
Wage Study
Ensure that our county employees are fairly compensated. We are only as good as the people who run our county government agencies, so it's important to use the wage study to keep county salaries competitive.
Union Labor
Maintain our county's Responsible Bidding Ordinance (RBO) to ensure that our local labor unions have an equal opportunity to bid on and earn contracts to do high quality work for the people of Porter County.